
Click on any of the links below to see opportunities that you might have to Bless Israel:

Zambia Messianic Fellowship and the Jerome Fleischer Orphanage School are located in Zambia.  A wonderful fellow believer and Messianic Rabbi, Alex Yalenga, has heard the call of the L-rd and is ministering to his country’s physical and spiritual needs.  Alex is the rabbi of numerous congregations in Zambia.  He and his wife also run an orphanage and daycare.  Take a few minutes and visit the website.  Make sure you watch the video.

Hands of Mercy Y’srael is a broad-based, non-profit Israeli relief organization serving as an outreach expression of compassion and support to many individuals and families now suffering the tragic results of suicide-terror, violence, and war. To make this possible, we are mobilizing the caring spiritual community to fill this void, working directly with other reputable organizations by focusing on the love and concern of individuals worldwide to provide a practical source of encouragement and hope in the face of their painful loss.

The Caleb Company  The Caleb Company name was inspired by Israel’s warrior who was conquering territory into His old age and whose descendants conquered the Land — Numbers 14:24 and Joshua 14:11.  It was formed to further the Kingdom of God through encouraging Pastors and leaders; supporting the church to recognize the growing movement of God among Israel and the Jewish people; and helping to unite Jews and Gentiles together in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).

Jewish Jewels  Neil and Jamie received Yeshua as Savior and Lord in 1973, and God made them “One” in the Messiah. He took two teachers – one male, one female, one Jewish, one non-Jewish – to give them a shared vision and called them as a couple to teach the Word and minister the love of God in a Jewish way. They began the “Love Song to the Messiah” ministry in 1978 to share the Good News with the Jewish people and teach the Church about its Jewish roots. Their ministry now includes Marriage Retreats, Ladies Retreats, a half-hour weekly Messianic Jewish television program called Jewish Jewels, and a Messianic/Judaica Bible Bookstore that has become a lighthouse for Yeshua in South Florida.

Dugit Messianic Center is located in the heart of Tel Aviv. It functions as a base for ministry, outreach efforts into the city, and a place for believers to gather for fellowship.  Avi Mizrachi is also the pastor of a Messianic Jewish, Hebrew-speaking congregation called Adonai Roi (The Lord is My Shepherd).  Its growing congregation is continually seeking ways to minister to the communities in the Tel Aviv area.  Along with its outreach efforts, the congregation supports a Distribution Center that provides food and clothing for approximately 200 families each month …. a number that continues to grow.

Congregation Roeh Israel is  A congregation of Messianic believers in Denver, Colorado.

Kehilat Rosh PinahA congregation of Messianic believers in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma